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skate bearings

skate bearings
Author :Admin | Publish Date:2012-09-13 18:03:46
Bones Swiss [skate bearings]  have the best reputation in the skateboard industry, and have had this honor for the past 28 years because of their performance and quality. Everyone who rides Swiss knows how fast they are, and most also comment on how long they last, typically several times as long as low cost bearings. Skaters who use Bones Swiss do so because they want the very best equipment they can get and they know the difference between ordinary and exceptional. Our team is a who’s who of top skaters and we are proud to be associated with each one of them.

Bearing performance is determined on how well maintained the bearings are. Maintenance on bearings include periodically cleaning and lubricating them. Bearings that are kept unmaintained have their performance greatly lowered and will soon need to be replaced. Bearing cleaning kits are commonly available on the market. Example kits include the Bones Bearings Cleaning Unit. The ABEC rating does not determine how fast or how durable a bearing used for skateboarding will be. 

First, you'll want to remove your skateboard bearings. You can clean your bearings without removing them, as I'll show you later, but you won't get them very clean that way. To clean your skf  bearings well they need to have been removed from your skateboard wheels. Not sure how to do that? Pause for a second and read How To Remove Your Skateboard Bearings. It's quick and easy.

Depending on how fast you want your bearings to go you must decide on OIL (The fastest) or GREASE  (The least Maintenance) If you dont keep oil or grease in the nachi Bearings they will run Metal to Metal and will seize from Friction and Heat and break apart. See the guide on Bearing Maintenance.

KTR 200 35x60
KTR 200 60x90

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